Something Leafy
55” x 72”
I took a long hiatus from quilting over the past year or so. Was feeling so exhausted. Is it from my vertigo medication? Maybe from the new puppy (Mochi!) who was wreaking havoc in our home? I wonder if I have Long COVID. My friends say it's totally just the normal fatigue of having little kids with lots of activities. But I do sometimes have low iron levels. I should get another blood test. Googling "chronic fatigue syndrome" now. I should try to see another specialist. Googling "hypersomnia."
I sort of thought I'd never quilt again. Or at least not as obsessively (and joyously!) as I had been the past several years.
Then one day, out of nowhere, I felt the tiniest spark of energy. I think I'll sketch out a quilt design... “something leafy,” I think. And here is it.
Quilted by: Sarah Campbell, @stitchmodequilts
Featured at: QuiltCon 2024 (Raleigh, NC)