Listen up!

I chatted with the QuiltBuzz crew about stained glass applique, the similarities and differences between 2D animation and quilting, our fear of cutting into favorite fabrics, and setting up a Kickstarter for a Quiltercise video series (aka Jazzercise but with Quilts). ⁠

The Tao of


In my improvisational quilt design, I try to focus more on the process and less on the product. I once took a Chinese calligraphy course, in which the teacher asked us to focus only on the practice of writing, not on the words we would write. He explained that every character begins with a single brush stroke, and if you empty your mind you will feel the tao in that stroke... the natural order of the universe and the moral path of our one shared humanity.

I guess we all must have looked confused, because then he laughed and said, “At least feel happiness, OK?” Well, that I can do. And I hope you, too, will “at least feel happiness” when you see my quilts.

I’d love to hear from you.

Shoot me an e-mail at Or you can use the contact form (which goes to the same e-mail address anyway, haha).